
Thursday, October 1, 2015

Picture of the Day

Image Credit: Free Images

With the semester in full swing, I'm sure students across the county have their fair share of homework and studying to complete. I'm sure the days where you just need 6 cups of coffee in order to interact with society has started. I'm also sure the sleepless nights have begun. I know both of these situations have started for me. Between working 6 days out of the week and going to school full-time, I long for the days where I can just lay down in bed and sleep for a solid 24 hours, but usually I spend time and relax with friends. You can find my usual cocktail, a double-rum with a splash of coke and a lime, in my hand. Captain Morgan is my rum of choice. It tastes like Heaven in a bottle.

With that being said, I rarely drink. Ever since getting into that car accident, I have been scared to drink. I get nervous when I go to bars because being around intolerant people heightens my anxiety. I get worried because I do not want what happened to me to happen to someone else. I end up worrying about strangers rather than just having a good time with my friends. But when I do, I always make sure there is someone there who has not had anything to drink. That way, if we decide to go somewhere, my friends and I will have a safe way to and from our destination. Usually, we alternate weekly who our Designated Driver is for the evening. That way, everyone has the opportunity to have fun. But. there are those times where the Designated Driver has failed us and ended up drinking alcohol, but I always have a backup plan. Checker City Cab offers a reliable taxi service available 24/7. They are very professional and have fair rates. I have never been disappointed.